30 Realistic Ways To Make Money Online And Offline In 2023

A woman looking into her laptop figuring out how to make money online

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Waking up to a million dollars on your bed would be a welcome miracle any day, won’t it? Of course, it would! I feel the same, this is a fantasy everyone has had, at one stage in their lives. How about instead of dreaming and wishing, you stumble on to find out 30 realistic ways to make money online and offline, in 2023? Miracles happen, but the probability of this happening is 0.1%, so what do we do while we wait?, we WORK. 

Luckily, there are a thousand and one ways to make legit money and another thousand and one Jobs, waiting for you and me to solve, and in this post, you will be reading about How to make money online, as a student, Graduate, Stay at home Mom… well generally as a Human Being with a Brain. 

I know I said a thousand and one ways, but know that making money requires creativity, innovation, and grit. It often also requires money, but I’m going to list out ways that you can make money without breaking the bank.

Let’s start with,

A lady making money working online
A lady making money working online

1. A Merch Brand

A merch brand (Merch which is merchandise for short), refers to a process of branding your merchandise, e.g printing your logo on t-shirts, mugs, bags, and other little items that can be handed out as gifts. The brand’s products can either be your custom products or can be expanded and merch items can be produced in mass for other organizations and Businesses.

Merch branding is timeless and would rake in lots of money if you are creative, because it’s all about connecting to the emotions of people, and creating print products people relate to. You can hire the services of a printing company and as your business grows, you then buy the needed equipment for printing. As you can see this is pretty easy for anyone to do.

2. Become an Influencer

If you ask me, I’ll tell you that we are all influencers in our rights, we have ideologies, values, talents, and gifts that we can share with the world and are probably already sharing. The difference is, are you making money out of it or not?  Because you can. 

The best way to do that is to leverage social media platforms, build a healthy following, and get paid by companies and businesses to advertise their products and brands.

3. Become an Affiliate Marketer

Affiliate marketing is one of the non-coding tech roles that has gained popularity over time and has a lot of people singing its praises.  It involves you making money by promoting other brands, you can earn commissions by selling products online and by recruiting other interested persons into the process. Some of the products that can be marketed include software products, Apps, Retail products, etc. 

Commissions earned from just one brand may look little, but if you are a skilled marketer in no time you’ll get more gigs that will have you earning lots of money. A few companies to partner with include, Shopify, Uber, and Amazon.

4. Create an online course

There is a popular trend going on with tech courses at every corner you look at, and this is because there are a lot of tech skills in demand. In other words, creating an online course based on a tech skill will be a very good idea, asides from tech you can create a  course on a subject you are very good at. These courses can be sold on Udemy or your website.

You can also check out the information that people are interested in and read up on it too,  then write about it or create a video talking about the subject matter. If you are talking about something someone else has talked about, then do your research, and find out how you can make yours unique.

An image showing a table on which a cup of coffee, a phone, an eye glass, and a black board with the inscription "make money online"
An image showing a table on which is a cup of coffee, a phone, an eyeglass, and a blackboard with the inscription “make money online”

5. Start a youtube channel

Unless you are camera shy, then YouTube is the place for you, and even at that, there are other ways to make money from Youtube without appearing on screen. The secret is to share stories on a subject people are interested in.

You can create a lifestyle vlog, teach design, share makeup tutorials, and lots more. Make sure to use attention-grabbing headlines and invest in equipment that will make your video of good quality. There you have it.

6. Become a Writer

This skill can be learned online if it’s something you will like to venture into. There are different kinds of writers, content writers, copywriters, storytellers, Novelists, Screenwriters, etc. Make sure to find out which you are interested in and start building skills in that area.

It is best to focus on a niche, but if you are a generalist, then, by all means, write about the things that interest you. Sending out samples of your writings to recruitment agencies is as well important, but ensure they are relevant samples, for example, if your recruiter is asking for writing samples on food, don’t send writing samples on tech. Check out Upwork and Fiverr for a start. Good luck.

7. Become a Tutor

At any level of education, everyone needs a guide that can help them through their studies. Parents would most often employ the service of a tutor for their kids in primary and high schools. All you need to do is position yourself and create awareness of your skill. While having a teaching degree is an added advantage, you can demonstrate your skill in a subject if you are good at it.

Virtual learning is now being embraced, and there is a high chance that your tutee will not be in the same geographical location as you are, keep this in mind when marketing yourself, and create a strategy around this.

A man working online
A man working online

8. Car for hire

If you own a car, this is a perfect way of making money. You can join a company such as Uber or Bolt to offer your services, and connect with customers online who need a car for hire. Also, you can become a logistics brand by delivering goods and items for businesses and individuals.

9. Thrift Store

A business owner made a factual statement that I agree with. If you walk into a hotel and they give you used towels and bedspreads although dry cleaned, then what beef do you have with used clothes? (Lol).

Thrift clothing has been a major source of income for lots of people with the sales of thrift clothes, shoes, bags, etc. All you have to do is, buy quality items wholesale, and with good photography and marketing skills, watch your business grow like wide fire.

10. Start a podcast

There are various podcast platforms you can leverage on, all you need to know is to ask yourself if what you want to share is what people are interested in. The podcast is replacing radio and there is rising competition, this is not to scare you but to ensure that you are willing to put in the needed work. 

Write out a plan, what would be your focus audience, and how you want to get your podcast recognized by them, then search and write out topics this audience will be interested in.  Good luck!

A young black lady transacting business online
A young black lady transacting business online

Other realistic ways to make money online and offline are:

11. Print on Demand

12. Start a Child care Business

13. Become a Baker

14. Start a Catering Business

15. Start a blog

Young black couple making money online
Young black couple making money online

16. Become an event coordinator

17. Drive your Car

18. Sell your photographs

19. Become a Tiktok creator

20. Become a translator

21. Become a translator

22. Take online surveys

23. Become a Transcriber

24. Become a Virtual Assistant

A black senior woman working online
A black senior woman working online

25. Sell Graphic designs online

26. Buy and Sell Domain Names

27. Start a food delivery business

28. Become a personal shopper

A business woman attending to her offline business
A businesswoman attending to her offline business

29. Fashion Designer

30. Set up a Logistics Company

There are several sources online that will serve as a guide to help you learn how to start a business. Moreover, remote jobs are also perfect options for you to make money online, and taking tech courses on reputable tech platforms or institutes is one sure way to also make money online in the comfort of your home. However, as I said in the beginning, there are a thousand and one ways you can make money online. If you will be venturing into any of these ideas listed, Good Luck! 

4 thoughts on “30 Realistic Ways To Make Money Online And Offline In 2023”

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